Thursday, February 28, 2013

arrested and detained 3 times

Peterborough Police arrested me three times and I have held in cells for more than 15 hours yet no one is concerned My wife Martha Etomi is responsible for 2 of these arrests and I have submitted a report to the poliuce complaints commission

Saturday, February 2, 2013

an English writer's tale

ensconsed, 1948 to date is to be a novella wrapped cautiously in the syntax word and phrase of this the greatest of languages the largest ben johnsonesque masterpiece thesedays a tool we use manipulate drag screaming hone sharpen quaff wave and output for ourselves
shd anyone actually use their hard earned groats to buy it; well that's a bonus but it comes pouring oft from the enbedded ancient hearts of yore, my irish and english sides my Joyceanesque roots contributuing and it is more fun than sex whisky and carrot juice and a concorde ride adhered with superglue from the ether
Wordsmiths Stroysmiths comes out near us well sometime pretty soon
dramtised by perhaps the bbc some day

Friday, February 1, 2013

Peter Swigger reports on Peterburra in the Soke near Cambridgeshire somewhere like that





every week spikeislandradio chooses a new community starlet to intervu t
This week PC Max Walsh
good morning Max
r: Gud morn pleb< ya wool/b>
Max before we speak about your chose subject Homer and that thar load in partIkular.....cut...
e: U pizZZZzed agin?or wot?? i SHULL REPOT YOU PLEB!!!
Oh dio mio mon dieu zootallooora
r: don't spike dont yuz arristid pleb

more next ueak P567 and on

rivetting entit?????

photo: (retouched no uniform you note (sensitivity)spikeislandradio media screw family 90 pense, porno shots £340.oo

make yUrsell a tiglet AND butter get fotocopped at Thore WoodS they gOt a nice big studio and you git yer DNA , 23 hand and finger prints AND the real life images to take away with a keeybab free on Thurdiz

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nice at 67 better never but so what old ugly git

The best and worst of Police practices – a man’s viewpoint Imagine this scenario because it is a real one and it happens. Believe an experienced old fart, me Your wife/female partner throws a wobbly and calls the police
They come to your house
Often male and female police officer, but it does not matter
They WILL arrest YOU and take YOU away
Your name can be Harry Prince of all Christendom and beyond
babe, YOU are going to the station
YOU will be eventually (takes 6 hours min) be fingerprinted, swabbed, dna’d and chuckled at YOU are all about and a PART of procedure mate andf of WE do it all THIS way the BLUE way
Take with you from home your entire collection of teabags milk and proper cup, 6 novels, I reference book, CD’s, cleaning cloths, spare shooe laces and some sandwiches, enough for the boys in blue too
FORGET the very existsance of words such as ‘rights ‘human ‘procedure’ ‘normal’ ‘when’ ‘expeditious’ and many others you will be unable even to pronounce THESE, NONE – are in the Sam Johnson V revised Engerlish dixshunHarrie
Chew up on the way and ingest ALL bits of paper
take out a subscription to the Guardian, try to get an online copy if you can, it goes further and is difficult to loose
Yes iften means hardly ever if at all means quite a abtuse thing
It’s like this can I tell you my version
The correc reply if who fuckin cares Ivan the Magnificatt IIvvvxxii just sharrap stooopid
You can have what you want just press the bell we will bring it straight away
Means don’t friggin push it, YOU will get what we say WHEN we say it right, nowt else git head
My 9 year old daughter I have to get her from school please I have been here more than 5 hours now for nothing and I live in Peterbrough and if u had called me on the phone and if you do ever I will come why should I not
risposte : disinterested silence and a polite shake of a diagonal head
Tomorrow we will deal with slammer speakInglish version V in Swahili
Hey mates lovers queers and all plebs and gits m- call uis for a friendly chat ANYTIME

The Chief Constable here is Mr Simon Parr and do NOT quote my name whenh you send me greetings cards right, just desist ok!!!!

Men's human rights and the Peterborough police Feb 2013

The best and worst of Police practices – a man’s viewpoint Imagine this scenario ; because it is a real one and it happens every day.
Believe an experienced old fart, me Your wife/female partner throws a wobbly and calls the police
They come to your house
Often male and female police officer, but it does not matter
They WILL arrest YOU and take YOU away
Your name can be Harry Prince of all Christendom and beyond
Tough babe, YOU are going to the station
YOU will be eventually (takes 6 hours min) be fingerprinted, swabbed, dna’d and chuckled at YOU are all about and a PART mof procedure mate andf of WE do it all THIS way the BLUE way
Take with you from home your entire collection of teabags milk and proper cup, 6 novels, I reference book, CD’s, cleaning cloths, spare shooe laces and some sandwiches, enough for the boys in blue too
FORGET the very existsance of words such as ‘rights ‘human ‘procfedure’ ‘normal’ ‘when’ ‘expeditious’ and many others you will be unable even to pronounce THESE, NONE – are in the Sam Johnson V revised Engerlish dixshunHarrie
Chew up on the way and ingest ALL bits of paper
take out a subscription to the Guardian, try to get an online copy if you can, it goes further
Yes iften means hardly ever if at all means quite a abtuse thing
It’s like this can I tell you my version
The correc reply if who fuckin cares Ivan the Terrible just sharrap stooopid
You can have what you want just press the bell we will bring it straight away
Means don’t friggin push it, YOU will get what we say WHEN we say it right, nowt else git head
My 9 year old daughter I have to get her from school please I have been here more than 5 hours now for nothing and I live in Peterbrough and if u had called me on the phone aand sent less than 2 men and 2 cars....and if you do ever I will come why should I not
risposte : disinterested silence and a polite shake of a diagonal head
Tomorrow more excitement as we grapple and deal with slammer speaker according to Johnson B 1455 version V Harper & qUEEN

Sectioned might I be?? absurdity after friggin absurdity habibi

When your sanity is in question and like me you engage in nabsurdity then people question you, are you well, they think not and call the police and you can be slammed up sectioned for ever. The Police have asked me several times if I am alcohol dependant and they write down yes no and maybe he said. One Piolideman dear kind bloke said Peter is drunk that was Max Walsh. Helpful isn't it when you are with your 9 year old daughter on a saturday

I complain reply -'we can say that Peter the Police can say it yes we can' It seems THEY can say ANYEFLUENHT FIONG THEWY WANT AND WE JOW HENRY PUBLIC CANNOT WEHAT AM I TO DO

I shall apply next time when the commissioners job comes up and then buy a new police speak dictionary and learn it by rote