Monday, January 14, 2013

I am asking Mary's school to read my views please - : on Integration this time thanks

Long John Silver squeeksks
'Pieces of eight, pieces of eight' R L Stevenson Treasure Island


Integration and an understanding of our fellow diverse communities Of course we are fiercely independent and we are British after all, we have been here man and boy and girl on this Island for many years, it is our territory Now of course we have signed the treaty and are a member of the EU. We our signature came the obligation to involve ourselves in a new wider community

The Treaty of Rome itself was conceived with the objective of linking those of us together who fought the second world war and to try to see to it that no more wars occurred in ou lifetime, we had been devastated by WW1 and it had happened again 39-45 In the joining together it was agreed that the free movement of labour was to be brought about on the diverse countries And so it was.
Now we shall it seems have to see a new influx of Bulgarians and Romanians We must condemn the troublesome people and petition the good ones to get rid of them, we have enough troublesome wild people of our own and do not need more - among them and try to educate those who are willing to learn.
We cannot and should not be forced into an alien wild gypsy like existence however they would wish it Integrate means to assimilate , be mates, understand each other and applaud our diversity

Schools have already been told to begin this process by Ofsted Kids must integrate now be friends mates and walk life’s path together and in harmony with our neighbours
YOU KNOW WHAT THE alternative IS, they behave like Belfast boys and their diversity launches a springboard into violence and aggressive behaviour, we have seen this so many times in Northern Ireland haven’t we??
Bigots have no place here

We are all trying to get by, to have a pleasant life and to be happy with their family units, just as we should be, why are we on this planet otherwise mes amis??
I am not asking you to follow my path of peace for ever and integration at all cost, I am really saying to have no choice for your kids, unless you want them to feel alien r> I have found peace and tranquilty in Islam, I can integrate the positive aspects with my own religion, Roman Catholicism, and among the Pakistani community in Peterborough, can you?. They have made me welcome
Respect I have respect for you all, wherever you hail from Always remember
Wer cannot TELL the teachers what to teach our children no we cannot, BUT, we can guide and remind and persuade them to help us in the growing up process and to seek to follow what others have told them We are tolerant and we listen, let our children be thus so

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