Sunday, January 6, 2013

Speak art Peterborough - The left Bank Arts and culture BBC1 8.45 (r)

Listen ........listen to the sound here

This a special SpikeIslandRadio designed badge and is available at the online store www.get-some-more-crap-why-don' at ONLY £25 wackers each fr a limited period so act now.
tinght is a SHORT PLAYLET AND CUPLET and/or sonnit/summat - Author Ed.
Copyright 1924 All rights riserv'd Spike Island Radio

'The silence of the lambs' twas me what writ it,twas ever thus mes ameese, (applause, more applause, encore , he then gracefully courtseas,bows, exits stage right, falls over noisily to guffaws, 'Canned up agin Enri?'
(FIRE EXTINGUISHER IS LET ORF BY LITTLE Mustakkkio XVii 'That's NOT bally funny' Miss Preece of the Valleys screams like the Treorchy Choir, 'it ain't boyooo,, that's the third time he's done it tooday')

photo fades out , VT now.. or freeze frame ...
'Yeah to the power of free thought(14 sum 7x9=??? and woe be upon us all and them Aldermens in Regalia Petrooburgeese Henry, tis anuffer, my bruffer, bleak wet Macbethalike amBurger 20111 night upon this kindly gathering of latterday yoretide Ortunnians -
(twitter nitter Facebook it quick patter of tinny foots and metres)
Yeah,verrily thus I do say unto three Henry yonder offsprings too be alive and living and well may they ..(loud sound of now frantikally scampering upper side darn feet and tables chairs being angrily football crowd madness like tossed and broken echo around the school hall)
Entre - Waiter, WAITEEER maintenant por favor mon ami!!!!(see a la carte menoo)
Soupe vicy sois n'est pas o du jour s'il Vous plate??

OOui Monsieur, immediatamente
Overview/Scenario and Presentayshun/appeal/ cry for help!!
We old gits get used to being ignored. It's exclushun and it hurts a bit at first, but we merilly leap switched in rocket boost back on to our zoomer frames, most of us. The alternative is that we just flippin flip flop bellly upp over, and give up zee ghost
.pause VT ..the ads start...cut to stoodeo
Ed - an aside, M subtly entitled 'I am from here (Petraburg)and I am entitled to waffle' campaign was launched this very crisp and even morn, sorry to interupt me mates
Skoool hymn
I will buy a badge meself
I shall wear it proud and tru too da loo la day... Johny,: before an emergency accurs
(sounds of Workington Brass (from Eye Toones (£3.75)) playing Edgar Allan Poe's Poomp and Circumstance MP3 via headphones, band fade in/out) as I go to school to collected Mary
St Botolphs C of E School down 'ere in Longueville mes amis, is typical I am told. Full STOP PUNkchewAySHUN YOU ILLITERATE SPIKE ISLAND GIT.....
Male ,female or inbetween, it's full of either deaf moootes who park on the disabled chevrons (a sin according to Headmistress Miss Daniels and also to Mathew verses 1874-1930 King James version) or frightened parents at the kiddy collect point.
Why?br> Dunno mates, dunno
I do foresouth suspect though that repeated spates of this bug that's going round might be to blame
The doc examined me and confirmed I have no STD's, it'snot me what done it says he , not a lot of consolation, he's a quack, but he said it such a nice cheeful smiley £65,000 p,a, company car and golfin' afternoons in the park foc thanks to La Rochelle Pharmacy sponsorship scrub up and I'm orf enough (adjectives ends here) way

Scene ivxi opens NOW here
(A frisky night in yon frosty Longueville, Jean Henry and Mary swift unto the school go they, it is bonfire night ennit? Occasion -Prize giving 1874

Location: St Botollsus's's School hall - 80 or so parents

Chatter - zero
Apres Pantomime engagement - silenzio
Camera shutter click click clicks a plenty

NOW Intermediate Scene XXIII(a) (pensive mood applies here)
The old geezer wonders,wanders whilst he squanders his penshun and finks of his remaining days on this planet dreaming of his Mum's rhubarb custard tarts::: - 'Do they talk at home en famille, these Fenland fringers and mates??, proper speak,Benglish or whatever? Does silenzio reigh 'ere in my home town , is it that they are just SHY

I ask Mrs Daniels if we the parents qualify for any Educashunale Occasishunal grants under Michel Goves new anti-pleb campaign ,so that free lessons could be arranged for all like The Big Sicety said twill be '''social engagement for grown ups with your kiddlies and other folk''', so we don't all forget how to get by in English or even at ,if push comes to shove, Bengali or adulterated Swahili even
Mrs Daniels says she really seriosly promises, croos my heart, looking into it with the Peterburgis Budgetary Group at the Console HQ,....but that I should not hold out tooo much hope this Century
1st Clooosing Scene (bis) - ''Oh Joy to the world...' The tra la la a la - St Bots Gospel Choir
Mary gits 'er certicate, looks like $1,000,000 'Proud Mary' la la l;ah,oooee, and we all trip elated and smilin' home in absolute silence THE THE COUP DE GRACE , we switch the 347 inch HD NEW telly on full belt top noth volume just to annoy the neighbours,
Henry and his buddy Abdullah
switch their XYZ Boxes to - '''Full Metal Jacket - the final gooory 142 Hours'''- the baby screams continually for more grub - everyone's Yuletide happy and the Mullet Wine is brought out. 'The Capulets were recolting again Enri'
'That's Starbikkies for you ennit!'
Collapses and dies painfully thespian like on stage
Thurnderous applause encore, rigor mortis sets in agin


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