Saturday, January 5, 2013

Are you are 'Oddfellow' or are you weird?

My Father was a memmber of the Oddfellows Society
He is still an 'oddfellow' and I seem to have inherited the trait
So I have joined them:

My daughter Mary aged 9 says that I am 'weird', and. to be frank, I am proud of being weird and I hope I shall always remain weird Amen to that .

........ ''My Dad's bally weird isn't he?' .

. . . .

The weird plan I prefer to call it the strategy of the absurd and the observation of the strange, weird, diverse or different, or any other adjective you choose for 'different', if it's all the same to you.

What the hell is the strategy? you're talking about the type of things which will be on SpikeIslandRadioPeterborough streaming radio when it starts 'ent you? Yes, I am talking about what might appear here
And NO I shall not outline strategy because it evolves as time passes by, BUT, in principal it WILL be eclectically weird and troublesome you might say, and THAT has to be THAT

I am waiting for some help to produce it you see....

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