So, tell me
Why can't a shop or too be opened up as a simple drop in tea and sandwich room where, instead of spending £333.25 on an ambooger or 17/6p on a reconstitooted Gregorio's Meat Pie
Mums,prams or pushchairs and kids could be much better accomodated AND something could entertain the kids, like a TV?
Is that a big ask?
Would that cost toooo much brass?
No, it would not
Mary Whitehouse, or whatever she is called, is supposed to be the whiz at renewing our High Streets, which are all in the same mess with farzands and 1000's of clothes Emporiums and poor Chinese supplied tattle, and Charity shops (v. useful, see my sweater...!) whilst the small shopkeeper and traditional tea room is driven out
Yes there is the cafe, at the Peterborough markit nearby , sad (but yes it's useful I agree)_the cafe by the little Tesco is the only place you can see some kids with Mums with prams having a cup of tea, and what a colourless place that is!
Let Ye all campaign for a proper English tea and cakes room in the centre of town, and some ruddy seats for us oldies to sit on too, NOT under the baddy trees ye twits like what yers did before, pigeons sit in trees, pigeon pooo emantes pigeoins dunnit? THEM, didn't you know THAT I shall write, don't hold yet breath anything though, NOBODY answers my letters these days, just bins them me ducks! Especially the Council guys and gals in Peterborough, 'That trouble maker agin Marmaduke, bin it!!' I heard they say
Pic - 1) Boots Optical Store and Buy One get on Free Patisserie, my pic Fuji HS20EXR F4,1000th, weird filter Pic 2) A cup of tea
We are plebs mates AND you had better understand what our place in society should jolly well be! Part of the problems is us plebs and the price barrier. They want big spenders in the city centre, the posh shops amd the larger chains have got to win, the PRIMARKS have got to thrive, and everything is money centric
Me and you and Mum's with kid's and pushkarts from Orton and Bretton just do not have that much to cough up on a Patissereee meal mates, a bally Bus Station Cafe is more our style they (they are the non plebs mate) reckon (it is cheaper too)
A tea and cakes place will attract us and, the truth is and it needs saying, they don't care if we stay away, they'd not be phased. I am not suggesting that we are not welcome BUT we would be of sooo much more much welcome if we flashed our American Express Gold card at the Patisserie.We can't, we aint got one.
That gap has to be bridged and us plebs felt welcome wherever and whenever with how ever many kiddy poos, Grannies and pushchairs... for the sake of social unity (cohesion) in this Island, Spike Island too.... get it? Have I got it right fellow plebs?
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